What we do


Lis is constantly upgrading our lives around the home with her projects and gardening.



Gord is sailing a lot, Check it out at Starlight Sailing Adventures. Teaching people to sail and cruise in sailboats in Sooke and the Southern Gulf Islands



Alabama is moving ahead fast in School and studying to be a Nurse


is very busy with life in general, her art is amazing, and she helps people all over with her skills as a gardener and general contractor


Kenneth and Nikita

Two lovely grandsons are keeping them busy, among other things like work and family



So happy she is back in our country and has a great job doing what she loves and excels at.

Talk to us

Best way is to email us


Come for a visit

We are in Sooke BC Canada. Let us know your plans and we’ll see what we are up to. Love to visit but a bit busy sometimes

Click here for a blast from the past to see our old sit and what we were doing.

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Gord Fulcher


Semi Retired and now a sailing instructor


The oldest

Working hard and doing amazing art. Never a dull moment when Karen is around

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Lis Johansen


Keeping it all together for all of us and building an amazing garden. Oh yes, we can’t forget the dogs.

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Kenneth, Nikita & the boys


Kenneth and Nikita have two great boys that are flourishing under their care. They both work real hard to keep things going with lots of help from Nikita’s family. I don’t think they could do it without their help.

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Kenneth, Dad, son and hard working son of a gun!

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Finishing up High School with honours



Working to help people out. Always the sensible one ish.